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Visual Design

From websites, mobile apps to digital products, I design engaging and effective user interfaces that enhance and compliment the whole user experience.

Interaction Design

Interaction design has become ever more important with the growing number of devices and users out there. It’s not just about how it looks, but how it works.

Motion UI

Motion in user interfaces is now one of the key tools to creating a fluid user experience and works as an engaging way of signposting and directing a customer.

Design Systems

Consistency of navigation, tone of voice, structure and look-and-feel is paramount throughout a digital product to create a seamless experience for the user.


Branding is so much more than a logo. It is the combination of design through look-and-feel, tone of voice, content and customer fulfilment that ultimately delivers on the brand promise.

Icon Design

I have created many bespoke icon sets over the years for my clients, which ultimately help with wayfinding in digital products, and create that visual differentiator from other brands.



The most important part of any UX project is to work with customers and users at an early stage to explore their observations and basic needs for a product, through engaging workshops.


Once the workshop stage has been undertaken, I would go a through the process of creating rapid prototypes to discuss with customers and users, to test their effectiveness.

Experience Design

Following the prototype process, I would then go about designing the overall user experience for the product, defining customer stories and creating detailed user journeys.


A well-defined digital strategy for the product is imperative to be able to test and benchmark any concepts that are created through the above 3 parts of the UX process.


Once the experience and strategy are aligned then I would go through the process of designing detailed and annotated wireframes to inform and guide the design and build teams.

Experience Architecture

Experience architecture is about defining where the digital product fits and sits in the wider real and digital world, and how and when a user and customer will engage with it.



Understanding the market conditions and needs of customers, through robust and detailed research, is vital in any digital product development project.


As with defining a UX strategy, it is also key to define an overarching customer strategy, which will outline how, why and when users interact with the product/brand and what is the end game.

Persona Development

One of the best ways to understand your customers is to define some key personas that will act as the virtual guardians of the project and ultimately the final digital product.

Customer Flows/User Stories

As an extension of the persona development, I would create detailed customer flows and user stories to further understand how best to suit their needs and requirements.


Often an engaging and effective way to understand the user stories is to create visual storyboards that reflect the lifestyle, touch points and key motivators of customers.

Brand/Product Workshops

Workshops for product engagement are slightly different from the UX part of the process. In these workshops I would encourage customers to explore the physical brand or product.

Get in touch

If you would like to work together then please get in touch on the details below.

+44 (0) 7592 497607

Get in touch: 07592 497607 or